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Funeral Celebrant

As an Independent Funeral Celebrant I offer full Celebrancy services

Funeral Celebrant

My role as a funeral celebrant is to meet with the family of the deceased and carefully record details of the life of the deceased, so that what is written depicts the true character of that person. Along with the bereaved family and friends, I will put together an outline of the ceremony and agree drafts of this with them until they are happy.
We will discuss the person and bring them back to life in the memories of their family and friends. The bespoke ceremony will allow for mourners to participate through reading their chosen poems, eulogies or reflections, and for music to be chosen by the deceased or as significant to them.
The first meeting will be as long as it takes to get the picture. This may be up to three hours and may occur over more than session. The participants in this meeting will be chosen by the chief mourner and can occur in person or via zoom.
I can provide examples of poems, readings or music for mourners to consider.
I will prepare drafts of the ceremony for the family, and these will be amended as many times as necessary, until everyone is happy with the document.
My role as celebrant then is to deliver the ceremony
The funeral Service can be at a crematorium, cemetery or natural burial site.

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